He’s been hyping it for years now and I’m getting a bit impatient like obviously his feature work has been amazing recently and this amazing form is really exciting me but man if he doesn’t drop 2025 i don’t know how much longer I can wait
31F exclusively pumping with a clogged duct 2 days ago. Last night I spiked a fever just below 102 and flu like symptoms (chills, muscle aches, headache). Today I feel better, though taking ibuprofen. No fever or flu like symptoms but my clogged duct is still present. Trying to resolve duct with sunflower lecithin, ibuprofen, ice, and regular pumping.
Although I do not have fever or flu like symptoms, but still have the clog, do I have mastitis that requires antibiotics?
First expedition, and I picked up a nice sentinel ship to which I added some tech and used for the second half. Planned to make it my ship upon exit, but then got the final reward of the Wraith before ending the expedition (hoped it would come after). If I clone the sentinel and make the wraith my primary ship on ending the expedition, I get both? Does the tech in the sentinel clone too?
Hi! 2019 civic hatchback here! Got this warning light while driving in snow ! cleaned up the sensor , reconnected the battery to reset the computers , no dice , please tell me am i looking at a radar module or just the bracket ( i did go in snow that was a little higher than the bumper itself so might have pushed the radar)
Was wondering if there was any rhyme or reason to the timing of the x-m5 stock updates, or if it's just random. Or how often it usually is until it restocks. It was in last night but unfortunately couldn't get it, so I was wondering if that was a rare occurrence or? Sorry if this is a common or dumb question.
Does anyone know more about this mtdna group? I'm from india and it is apparently uncommon in India so I want to know who else has this haplogroup and where are you/they from?
Does anyone have any leaks on pillowcase with an image. I want to add them to my local files. If anyone knows where I can find leaks with image as well that would be great thank you!
Anyone else have a a notification problem of your friends joining but that blue message doesn’t pop on screen? I never messed with any of my settings and I’m tired of being scared of my friends joining me.
So I've found the murasama pre hardnode in the lab and I'm able to use it, I shouldn't have the ability to bypass is as I don't have the name sam or anything like that, im not really intending on using it but I don't want the temptation to cheese the progression system? Anyone know why this is happening or how to solve it?
I have seen people talk about his drastic change in personality from when he was on the show and the press etc.. I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe that he was playing playing a character. Within the couple of hours of talking to si-an he didn’t care to get to know any of the other girls. The way he was persuing her when he barely knew her did not seem genuine he was very full on from the very beginning. It looked like he came with a plan to be the stereotypical second nice male lead that doesn’t get the girl at the end, which worked on his favour as he is the most followed person on the show. Also when Sian broke things off with him he did not seem genuinely upset and every time she did not chose him it almost felt like he was taking it too well, we human beings all have flaws nobody is THAT perfect. During the beach scene when Sian was with jungseo at the water jeongsu looked genuinely heartbroken and sad that the girl she liked may have someone else on her heart I never got anything like that from Theo. All his behaviour felt theatrical.
Don’t fight me 🙃
My star jasmine vine leaves keep pointing down and are starting to discolour and fall off. Seeking advice on how to fix it. I have another one a couple of metres away that’s going fine. It’s been getting sufficient water and sunlight.